Monday, October 28, 2013

How to Cook a Great Steak Part 2

For those of you just tuning in this is the second installment of how to make a great steak. Which should be pretty obvious with the 2 in the title but no one is judging you. When we last left off you had that big piece of meat in your hand ready to toss it in a pan. Before you do that though you need to gather your ingredients.

Kosher Salt
Black pepper (if you don't have a pepper grind, which you should, the ground box stuf works)
Olive or Grape Seed Oil.

You also need to let your meat come up to room temperature. We are almost there, I am promise you. I am going to presume that you have chose to cook a ribeye or new york strip. Why? Because those are my favorite steaks and you know being like me means you are awesome. Go ahead,

The first thing you need to do with your lovely piece of meat, other than unwrap it is to blot it with paper towels. You want to get the excess blood off it. I like to use a meth similar to the below photo where I take the steak and kind of roll it up so I can blot it all over at once. [PRO TIP: Do NOT use cheap napkins or paper towels that tear easily. It will just cause you to have to peel it off.]

You want to get the meat as dry as possible though don't go over board with it. You don't want to start rubbing off flesh. Just blot it. Depending on size you will like need more than one. If your meat is still cold this is the time to let it come up to temp. This can take a few hours if you have a thick piece of meat. 

Once the meat is clean of the excess moisture lay the out on a flat surface. Take a bit of your chosen oil the rub the meat down with your oil. You don't want it dripping wet. You want it basically to coat the surface of the meat. Once your meat is coated grind or sprinkle your black pepper on the steaks. On top of that give it a generous amount of kosher salt. You want to make sure that the entire surface is coated in salt and pepper. 
 Up close food pr0n's

After you salt and pepper both sides I like to let my sit a bit to let the meat suck in the seasonings. No more than 10 minutes usually. Now you need to take your favorite skillet and get it HOT. On a good electric stove that means 7 or 8. Once it hot go ahead and lay your steak down. Immediately set a timer for 60 seconds.

 While the steak is sizzling away on the pan grab a pair of tongues or your hands if you are crazy like me, and press down on the meat making sure to get as much surface area in direct contact with the pan as possible. You may be wondering why? Well salt and heat on red meat has some type of effect which forms a crust on the meat. This is quite tasty so you want that crust, this is how to get it. When a minute is up flip the steak, turn the heat down to 5 and let the other side crust up.

The reason for turning the heat down is that the steak will cook longer on this side. This will also be the side that is plate up.So you get a strong crust along with the steak cooking slowly.

Some people swear that you only need to flip a steak once, but I am not one of those. I flip as often as I feel is necessary though I don't flip it constantly either. I like to add butter to my steaks and let it brown on it to give it a bit more flavor.

Once the steak is done don't forget to grab the tongs and put the fat strip on the skillet too. 

Speaking of being done. Let us pause for a second. You may have noticed that I did not add any cooking times to any of this. Well there is a reason for that. Cooking times can vary a lot depending on how thick a piece of meat is. I like to go by feel. Let me borrow someone's hand to show you. The below chart seems silly but it is actually spot on. Once you get a few steaks under your belt you will be able to judge the time, until then stick to the chart. 

This is a chart that gives you a good understanding of the different degrees of steak doneness. I will say though this chart is a tiny bit misleading. If you look at this it looks as if rare and medium rare are completely raw in the middle. Which is not true at all if you cook it properly. Now if your steak was cold, and you quickly seared the outside it could be raw in the middle. Now this chart is clearly bias but I do agree that well done and medium well are both too done for a good steak. I eat mine medium leaning towards medium rare.

Once you get your steak to your desired doness, which I hope isn't well done, you need to let it rest. DO NOT CUT INTO THAT STEAK!! If you do you will ruin your hard work. When meat gets hot it expands, the juices flow. If you cut into it all your juices will run out onto the plate. Wrap it in some foil and sit it aside for at least 10 minutes.  Edit: It has been pointed out to me that you do not need to wrap your steak in foil. If you are going to keep it warm then you can just tent the steak with foil until ready to serve. 

Once you do you will be rewarded with a steak that is juicy (unless its well done) and tender. That was a good steak. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

How to Cook a Great Steak Part 1

I like meat. This should not come as surprise to anyone. I am not easy to please when it comes to my meats, steak in particular. I have found while a lot of people cook steak, very few cook it well. I found myself going to restaurants ordering and receiving steak that was either bland or overcooked. It was rare that I found myself truly enjoying a nice quality steak. In hindsight I realize now that was because I was going to restaurant chains like Longhorns, Ruby Tuesdays, Applebee's etc. when I should have went to a place that specializes in steak. Non the less I decided to master steak on my own. I have spent count less and ruined many a piece of meat to get where I am now, where I feel I can make a good steak at anytime. I have decided to share some of my techniques with you guys.

Now the first part of making a great steak has nothing to do with cooking. Yes that is right, now back away from the pan and turn that stove off.

First we need to talk about meat. Not all steak is the same. Sure it may look similar but what kind of steak it is can and will make a difference on how the final product. Steak is usually graded like this

From Wikipedia:

  • U.S. Prime – Highest in quality and intramuscular fat, limited supply. Currently, about 2.9% of carcasses grade as Prime.
  • U.S. Choice – High quality, widely available in foodservice industry and retail markets. Choice carcasses are 53.7% of the fed cattle total. The difference between Choice and Prime is largely due to the fat content in the beef. Prime typically has a higher fat content (more and well distributed intramuscular "marbling") than Choice.
  • U.S. Select (formerly Good) – lowest grade commonly sold at retail, acceptable quality, but is less juicy and tender due to leanness.
  • Now you may be wondering why fat  content matters. Trust me it matters a lot. You get a lot of the flavor from the fat. In addition to flavor prime and choice beef will be more tender than select as well.

    I look at it kind of how I see alcohol.

    Select= Mr. Boston/Budlight
    Choice = Three olives/Shocktop
    Prime = Grey Goose/ Special Made Craft Beer

    Choice is what I buy. It is what you will find at most quality supermarkets and butchers. It is easier on the wallet and can still be cooked to a great steak. I bet you are ready to cook now aren't you?


    You must first decide what type of steak you want to cook. There are a lot of pieces of meat with the word steak on it. It can be rather confusing. I like this chart to help keep track.

    For this article let us ignore the tenderloin roast. Astute observers will notice the tenderloin and the porterhouse look very similar. Correct you are. There is much debate over this, but basically they are both a combo of two steak, the NY Strip on one side and the tenderloin on the other. The difference being the porterhouse has more tenderloin on it.

    If fat were to equal flavor you would be able to easily guess which of those steak would have the most flavor. As you can see the rib eye [rib steak above] has much more marbling than the other ones and therefore can often times be more flavorful. In contrast you see the coveted filet mignon has next to no fat yet we all know how expensive it is. It has a lot to due with how tender that piece of meat is. This is a purely subjective matter, and really you should buy what you like. I prefer the Ny Strip and the ribeye.

    Now that you have selected your steak, you are ready to cook right? Great! let's go turn on the heat..........................................

    And read Part II, which is coming soon....
    Edit Part 2 is now up. Glad you didn't have wait huh?

    Wednesday, October 23, 2013

    Bookstore Browsing

    I was stranded at the bookstore yesterday afternoon after my car broke down. I got a ride to my job and afterwards chilled at the nearest convienent place (the bookstore) for 2 hours. The husband does not work exactly down the street so I had to wait for him to get off work and rescue me...hence my entrapment.

    But I mean, if you're going to be "detained" somewhere, why not a Barnes and Noble with books, a Starbucks cafe, and good mood music playing in the background. It was not even ice cold there like it usually is. In fact, it was quite cozy. So much so that once I sat down, I spent most of the time on my phone watching Korean romance dramas (blusssshhhh).

    That's pretty much how the husband found me... snuggled up on an arm chair in the back... in my own world. He felt so bad about having me wait for 2 hours that he treated me extra good for the rest of the day. Sigh. Life is good.

    Tuesday, October 15, 2013

    A quick breakfast

    Not going to lie go you. I'm usually the bacon and egg sandwich kind of girl but I'm trying something different today. Besides, I do lovve yogurt!

    Wednesday, October 9, 2013

    Cheap Eats, Another Beer Review

    While in Kroger browsing the beer selection I came across a beer that seemed like too good of a deal. It was Sierra Nevada IPA. It was a 24oz bottle for 3.99, 2.19 with the Kroger plus card. I could not help but note it was surrounded by a lot of malt liquors, budlight, mike's hard lemonade cans etc. I had the same thought you are probably thinking right now, it is going to be cheap and nasty like the aforementioned beverages. Then I noticed it was next to an equally large bottle of Red Stripe. Now I have had Red Stripe before and found it to be a good. So I decided to bite the bullet and a bottle of this left with me along with that nights dinner of fried chicken.

    First off, this bottle is huge. It is quite literally like drinking two beers in one sitting. Now as I've said before I am no beer snob so take this with a grain of salt.

    Upon first sip this beer is very crisp, dare I say citrus-ey, with good mouth feel. As it slides over your tongue and towards the back of your mouth, you start to taste the hops quite a bit. When swallowing it goes to very hoppy flavor with a bitter finish. For me this is a great with food beer. I like it best with food that is salty and spicy. Fried chicken with a good bit of extra hot texas pete[black folks gone black lol]  was delectable with this beer. It is quite a bit more hoppy than some other pale ales I've tried,then again this is my first IPA. At 3.99 a bottle  it would take $9.57+tax to get a six packs worth, which is pretty standard and not very cheap. However at 2.19 a bottle it wold only be 6.57+tax to get a six packs worth which is pretty good considering quality beers seems to run at 7.99 and up.

    I wrestled with this one quite a bit, however I must give this one a 6/10. Yes it is relatively cheap,however that cheapness only comes with a Kroger plus card, and those deals can change, plus you may not have a kroger near you like I do. Secondly the fact you are forced to drink two beers worth when you open this one kinda of takes away from its value a bit. If there was a way to drink one beer out of the bottle and store the rest I could score it higher [Note: If there is for the lover of everything comment and let me know]. 

    Do you agree or disagree with my rating? Comment and let me know! Laterz

    Tuesday, October 8, 2013

    Home Hunting at Hobby Lobby

    There are so many good things about our new place! It's bigger for one and I finally got a sunroom...but only being here for just over a week, it still does not feel like home yet.

    But not to fear!! Yet (that's me) is on the case! I took a trip to Hobby Lobby -- the crafting mecca to find what I needed. Before I focus on any other part of our place, I need to take care of the kitchen! Can you say outdated!!?? Knowing that I cannot permanently change anything just means that I'll have to be a bit creative is all (the yellowish "white" cabinets are a NO!). The pictures show a few items that I know will be perfect for the Clean Cottage look I'm going for.

    The fun begins...

    Wednesday, October 2, 2013

    Home Sweet Home

    We have finally moved into our new place. Now comes the unpacking and cleaning and decorating. But first I have to find some energy! A sister is exhausted!!!!!