Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cheap Eats, Another Beer Review

While in Kroger browsing the beer selection I came across a beer that seemed like too good of a deal. It was Sierra Nevada IPA. It was a 24oz bottle for 3.99, 2.19 with the Kroger plus card. I could not help but note it was surrounded by a lot of malt liquors, budlight, mike's hard lemonade cans etc. I had the same thought you are probably thinking right now, it is going to be cheap and nasty like the aforementioned beverages. Then I noticed it was next to an equally large bottle of Red Stripe. Now I have had Red Stripe before and found it to be a good. So I decided to bite the bullet and a bottle of this left with me along with that nights dinner of fried chicken.

First off, this bottle is huge. It is quite literally like drinking two beers in one sitting. Now as I've said before I am no beer snob so take this with a grain of salt.

Upon first sip this beer is very crisp, dare I say citrus-ey, with good mouth feel. As it slides over your tongue and towards the back of your mouth, you start to taste the hops quite a bit. When swallowing it goes to very hoppy flavor with a bitter finish. For me this is a great with food beer. I like it best with food that is salty and spicy. Fried chicken with a good bit of extra hot texas pete[black folks gone black lol]  was delectable with this beer. It is quite a bit more hoppy than some other pale ales I've tried,then again this is my first IPA. At 3.99 a bottle  it would take $9.57+tax to get a six packs worth, which is pretty standard and not very cheap. However at 2.19 a bottle it wold only be 6.57+tax to get a six packs worth which is pretty good considering quality beers seems to run at 7.99 and up.

I wrestled with this one quite a bit, however I must give this one a 6/10. Yes it is relatively cheap,however that cheapness only comes with a Kroger plus card, and those deals can change, plus you may not have a kroger near you like I do. Secondly the fact you are forced to drink two beers worth when you open this one kinda of takes away from its value a bit. If there was a way to drink one beer out of the bottle and store the rest I could score it higher [Note: If there is for the lover of everything comment and let me know]. 

Do you agree or disagree with my rating? Comment and let me know! Laterz

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