As some of you may recall I decided to do an experimental tossed together peach wine. TL:DR I made blended 3lbs of peaches with some sugar and tossed into a jug. Well after a while as wines do it started to clear. I added about a tablespoon of vanilla extract to it. It made the entire jug turn a darker color with a brown tint. As seen below. I almost went ahead and sorbated and sulfited it to kill off the yeast so I could backsweeten it later on.
After I let it sit for another 2 weeks, I added enough sugar to it to sweeten it but not make it cloying sweet. No gravity readings as I still don't have a hydrometer due to an unfortunate tasting/measuring incident.
After The Wife and I moved to the new place and got settled in I figured I'd check on this and found it had cleared quite nicely. Faster than I expected honestly. I almost realized I have waaaaay too much head space and I risk oxidation if I tried to bulk age so I decided to bottle it.
See how clear she is?
I could read the coffee pot numbers no problem. My phone would not focus on the numbers though.
Here is a sample in a glass
I let The Wife's brother in law taste it and he said while it still had an alcohol bite to it, you could clearly taste the peach that was coming through. Sadly no vanilla though. I am hoping it comes out later as it ages. I will definitely make this one again, though next time it will be a proper mead with some good quality honey and secondary will have some vanilla sticks in it.
Those brown bottles are the wrap up to my
quick cider. Honestly I don't know what to think of it. The taste has changed again though not for the better or worst, it just changed. The mouthfeel is still weird, like liquid glass. I decided to bottle it and forget about it for the next couple of years as I have heard that apple can take year to taste good. Hopefully so. If not, oh well its all in the game of brewing.
Comment, tell me what you think. Laters people!