Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Sup Peeps!!!

As some of you may remember a while back I started an orange mead. Well truthfully I started it quite a while before The Wife and I started the blog. As of Sunday I finally got to bottle the mead. As a reminder it started off looking like this

After around three months of brewing I ended up with a product that looks like this.

A pic with the cork in

My initial taste notes is that the spices are REALLY strong. You can immediately taste the cinnamon and clove. It kind of smacks you in the face. The alcohol heat is strong too, even when it is cold. This one is drinkable like this, but I think it will benefit from some aging for sure. I plan to let it age as long as I can. I have plenty of people asking me for a taste. Good thing I have 3 more gallons of mead brewing with a 4th on its way.............


  1. Pretty cool to brew your own stuff.. (n_my_coupe from Zilvia.net)

    1. Late reply but yes, I love it. I have quite a bit more mead stuff brewing. I am just waiting to post someone of it up.
