which also meant I had to cook. For some people out there, this would be a small problem, however for yours truly this was huge problem as The Wife had taken out super thin strips of ribeye[kind of like this] we picked up from the international place. I had NO IDEA, what I was going to make with them.
So I did what any normal man would do and promptly ignored the problem and went back to playing Skyrim. Skip ahead a few hours and the rumble in my stomach reminded me I would soon have to get off my lazy butt and make something.
Lately The Wife has been into Korean drama comedies [dramedy?] so I figured I would make something with an asian twist to it. Having absolutely no experience in that style of cooking I spent an eternity racking my brain. Finally after an excruciating 4 minutes [what? I said I'm lazy] I came up with something
Egg Drop Soup
3 eggs
2 cans chicken broth
1/4 can beef broth [optional]
Tablespoon of ginger
Crushed Black Peppr
Kosher Salt
Green Onions
Jalapenos [optional]
tablespoon of cornstarch [optional]
Super thin strips of ribeye meat [optional]
The last time I had egg drop soup it was made at some random Chinese place we stopped in to. It had good flavor but the water was not hot enough so the egg white was still kind of rawish. With that flavor in mind I set off to make the meal.
First I took the meat, and coated them with crushed black pepper, kosher salt and a smidge of garlic powder. I then put then in a contained with a lid, added more black pepper a bit more salt and shook them around then put them on a plate [sidenote: Be careful with your spices on meat this thin. It does not take much for pungent spices to overwhelm]
Next pour the two cans of chicken broth into a pot and add the ginger to it.
Chop up you green onions and jalapenos and toss them in then turn it on high to bring to a fierce boil.
If you are making it like I did, pour the beef broth into a cup and add in the cornstarch
Once it is boiling something fierce grab the egg bowl and drizzle the egg in. DO NOT POUR IT ALL IN AT ONCE. Some people like to drizzle it onto a fork then let it spread out into the boiling water. If you take your eggs fresh out the fridge like I did be prepared for this to take a few mins as it will drop the temp of your water each time. Once all the egg is in, add in your meat. Since the meat is so thin it will cook very quickly. Once done it should look similar to the below
It tasted AMAZING. I put a bit too much pepper in for The Wife but other than that she loved it. I will definitely make again.
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