The first thing I noticed that the package was attractive as were the bottles. I also noticed it was surrounded by its piss water brethren. This did not make me any more hopeful. None the less I picked it up for $6.99 with my Kroger card and was on my way. Most of the time when I try a new beer I go straight home pop the tab and start to swig. Not this time. I put two bottles in the fridge and went to work out forgetting about them.
After I came back from getting my swoll on and cooking I decided to have one with dinner. I popped the tab and took a sniff. To my surprise it smelled good, like an actual beer. Not yellowish brown water that happens to have a slight beer flavor. I took a sip and.........
This beer is fantastic! It is smooth, crisp. If you like blue moon or yuengling you will like this beer. Now if you are a beer snob who can tell the difference between the different kinds of hops used to brew a certain beer then keep walking. The rest of us beer drinkers who just like a good beer will be pleased. I googled it and apparently it is supposed to be bourbon flavored. My pallet is not that distinguished, though Phlip did mention he detected a bourbon flavor. Under $8 this could be considered a cheap beer by some which would make it a 5/5 for cheap eats reviews.
I cannot stress enough GO GET THIS NOW!