Thursday, February 27, 2014

Miller Fortune I Can't Believe It........

Some of you may have seen this new beer pop up on shelfs. Miller fortune. If you are like me you most likely passed right by it without giving it a second thought because it is Miller brand. We know Miller mostly for Miller LiteMiller High Life, aka shitty beer. (though lesser known for brand Blue Moon which is honestly pretty good) However I received a text from someone who had picked up a case. This text came from a reliable source and it heavily suggested I go and try it right away. Admittedly I was skeptical but I know sir Phlip shares similar tastes to mine so the next time I was in Kroger I decided to pick up a six pack. 

The first thing I noticed that the package was attractive as were the bottles. I also noticed it was surrounded by its piss water brethren. This did not make me any more hopeful. None the less I picked it up for $6.99 with my Kroger card and was on my way. Most of the time when I try a new beer I go straight home pop the tab and start to swig. Not this time. I put two bottles in the fridge and went to work out forgetting about them. 

After I came back from getting my swoll on and cooking I decided to have one with dinner. I popped the tab and took a sniff. To my surprise it smelled good, like an actual beer. Not yellowish brown water that happens to have a slight beer flavor. I took a sip and.........

This beer is fantastic! It is smooth, crisp. If you like blue moon or yuengling you will like this beer. Now if you are a beer snob who can tell the difference between the different kinds of hops used to brew a certain beer then keep walking. The rest of us beer drinkers who just like a good beer will be pleased. I googled it and apparently it is supposed to be bourbon flavored.  My pallet is not that distinguished, though Phlip did mention he detected a bourbon flavor. Under $8 this could be considered a cheap beer by some which would  make it a 5/5 for cheap eats reviews. 

I cannot stress enough GO GET THIS NOW!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cheap Eats, A Wine Review

Greetings to all my readers who have been waited with baited breath for my glorious return! (What? I can dream)

I return with a review about wine. Wine that is cheap. I can hear buttholes clenching already. Fear not my lovelies, tis not what you think.

I was at a farmers market that is right by my job that has a ton of everything, produce, meats, bread, cheeses beer and wine. The wine section is so large they break it up by country, then type. Zomg.

I was prepping for a date night with the missus and we were having steak, so of course I had to have a wine, red to be exact. For those of you who are looking at your screen in confusion, wine is often paired with food.  Below is a handy chart I stole borrowed to show you.

Now we all know that for us non wine folk choosing red wine is like a guy going into the store to buy tampons for his lady (or a lady going to buy oil for a guy), lots of options with little to no real clue as to what is good and what is not. Thankfully for you all, I get to be the guinea pig.

I don't know a lot about wine, but I do know that American wine seems to fall flat compared to its French and Italian counter parts. So I went to the French and Italian sections to check out the reds to see what they were all about. I would love to say that I went though a rigours decision process to choose my wine.

I totally didn't. Almost all the french red was like $15 and up, the Italian started at like $6. So I went with Italian. Again with the butthole clenching, relax those sphincters, I did not choose the $6 wine. I went with a nice $10 bottom that had an intersting look to it and a label that gave it a 92 rating while mentioning it goes great with steak.
So I had this with a steak I made using my famous technique.

With full confidence I can say, we have a winner in this one. I am not going to attempt to use wine tasting words. This wine being a red is tannic but not overly so. It has a smooth flavor that flows over your tongue and goes down easy. I preferred it at a temp that is in the 60's. Colder than room temp but not yet chilled and for $10 it really is a good bargain 5/5 for sure.

Go try a bottle if you can find it.

Agree/Disagree with me? Leave me a comment, thank me, school me, teach me etc. its all good.