Friday, September 27, 2013

Bigger and Better things

All week I've been packing to prepare to move this weekend. Now I freely admit that it is Friday and not even half of the house is packed up yet. It is sad but true. Now comes the ever- exciting time for me to run around like a chicken with my head cut off to make sure everything gets packed in time. Sigh. I have got to do better.
This is the result of always wanting things a certain way.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Call me country

Some fried fish with rice?! Oh now we talking.

This pic is from a good minute ago but do not care. What the stomach desires has no freakin timeline. Haha. If I was not so busy packing and working and running errands, I would be cooking a nice southern meal like this one right now. Oh well.

That struggle tho...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Disappointing shrimp scampy

I was at Target one day feeling pretty experimental when I happened upon one of these new Campbell Soup sauces. It looked so cute and I was all like "oooo". So I bought.
Unfortunately I did not receive the expected results - that being utter deliciousness. Haha. Instead what I got was extra lemony extra salty and a simi-eatable meal for my efforts... but on the upside, it did look the the package cover when I was done. Sigh.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Good Meal

The husband and I ate out today. I was happy to relax on our at home vacation. So restful.
I ordered a yummy salmon dish over rice served with sauce and salad with a sweet tea on the a coke glass because that is how we roll in Georgia. Haha.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Inexpensive Peach Vanilla Experiment

Sup yall! I'm back with another brew. This time it is not a mead, but still a wine. The local food dept had peaches on sale. I think it was like 93 cents a pound so I figured eh why not? I picked up three pounds of peaches along with a 4lb bag of sugar (more on that later) and figured I'd give it a go.

After I got home my bro, who was staying with us for a week, helped me de-pit the peaches. I think it was around 15 or 16. We cut them up and threw them into a bowl. Once they were all in there I got out the hand blender and turn them into peach soup.

Meanwhile I put the water on boil to get the sugar in there. Now you may wonder why I am using sugar instead of honey. The answer? I was broke and sugar is cheap. After I dumped almost a gallon into a pot I just poured the entire bag in there. Once it all dissolved I mixed it my bucket along with the peach soup and frappe'ed it again till it was nice and frothy.

I put the usual stuff in there, yeast energizer, nutrient, Lavlin k1v, pectic enzyme. From prior experience  I knew this would go off like a rocket so I setup a blow tube. I was not to be disappointed as when I came home from work the next day I found the blow off bottle which was 16oz had been filled with peach stuff. I dumped it out, cleaned it up and set it up again. I left it like that for three days and thankfully there were no more incidents. It looked like this on day 4. Total price on this is less than 10 bucks so far, so it it is good, it will be a good way to get smashed for cheap make a good wine that people can enjoy.

You can see the evidence of blow off up top. Currently it is in secondary.

"But wait, you didn't mention anything about vanilla"

Quite right my impatient friend. I will get to that............on part 2.
