Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Strawberry Mel Part Deaux!

As some of you may remember I made a strawberry melomel quite some time ago. Well after brewing for months it looked like this.

Not exactly appetizing right?
 Well I was reading some posts around the web when someone mentioned pectic enzyme. I already had some since  I had used it for other meads but not this one. Well I dumped some in and shook it around and in 48 hours I got this.
HUGE change.

 I let it sit for a few more days to make sure all the gunk fell to the bottom. Once the weekend hit I went ahead and bottled it. You can see it below. It is the one of the right. The one on the left is an upcoming post..:)

After tasting it I must say, I did a pretty good job with this one. The strawberry flavor is strong in this one. I am going to be excited to try this one in 6-12 months. I bet age will do it wonders.