Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Sup Peeps!!!

As some of you may remember a while back I started an orange mead. Well truthfully I started it quite a while before The Wife and I started the blog. As of Sunday I finally got to bottle the mead. As a reminder it started off looking like this

After around three months of brewing I ended up with a product that looks like this.

A pic with the cork in

My initial taste notes is that the spices are REALLY strong. You can immediately taste the cinnamon and clove. It kind of smacks you in the face. The alcohol heat is strong too, even when it is cold. This one is drinkable like this, but I think it will benefit from some aging for sure. I plan to let it age as long as I can. I have plenty of people asking me for a taste. Good thing I have 3 more gallons of mead brewing with a 4th on its way.............

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No meat.......lol wut?

As I briefly mentioned before. The Wife and I have started a no meat diet. Well she is eating fish, which I feel qualifies as meat however she disagrees. While I could argue that meat is classifed as the flesh of animals, and that vegetarians don't eat fish and pescetarians are the ones which eat only fish . I am going to decide to leave it be. None the less we have both dramatically altered our diets. Instead of feasting on delicious animal flesh we are now eating enough veggies to make a rabbit go "wtf".

This new diet, which has been going on now for around 2 weeks (minus one cheater day), was easy at first. Little did I know it was because I had eaten meat within days of starting. Fast forward to now and I want so bad to punch a baby cow in the face and take a bite. I CRAVE beef. I saw a co-worker eating a beef taco salad and I drooled a bit. While before I would sit and day dream about having 450HP in the S14 I now sit and daydream about the day I can sink my teeth into a steak. Even as I type this now my mouth is starting to salivate at the though of a NY Strip 2 inches thick and cooked medium with a bit of a char on top, juicy with butter mashed potatoes..... OMG *drool* I need a moment.....................

Ok I'm back.  

I'm not the only one being affected. The Wife says that she is constantly hungry now. We both consume tons of fruit and veggies and try to eat little carbs but we stay hungry. The Wife said when she is sleeping at now and pulls me closer she is actually dreaming about chicken. 

By now I am sure you are asking, "Why in the hell would one choose to inflict such a miserable existence upon themselves? " Well my curious friend the answer is simply. I just wanted to see if I can do it. That's right. This is all about me testing my will power and gaining self karma of being awesome enough to be a vegetarian for 6 weeks adding to my e-peen. 

Oh and health benefits and all that as well, but mostly the e-peen.

We still have another month to go. Le sigh..........If you hear on the news about a deranged man biting cows you know that I failed.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A few quick updates

Hello blog faithful!

This is just a quick post to updated yall on a few things. The Wife and I  have started a vegetarian period. It will not be permanent  I like eating animals far too much for that. I just wanted to see if I could pull it off so eh why not. We will be posting up our experiences  trials and tribulations. It has only been a few days and I already want to punch a baby cow in the face and eat it.

My meads are progressing along nicely. There is nothing much to update on those yet as it takes a while for those to brew. While those are chugging along I will be posting up more stuff on the liquor side of things.

I have discovered there are wing fest across the nation all throughout the year. There are a few in the surrounding states I want to attend, plus one next Saturday I want to go to. I will try my hardest to be there. I am also going to try and make it to a few others through out the year.

Stay tuned there will be lots to come!!!!!!